Tubal block
Tubal block
The ovaries and the uterus are connected by fallopian tubes, which resemble tubes. Salpinges or uterine tubes are other names for them. The eggs from the ovaries are delivered to the uterus by these channels. The egg and sperm fertilise each other in the tube, and the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus.
What are the reasons for tubal block?
- Pelvic inflammatory disease: In this case the tubes get infected due to infection in the surrounding areas hydrosalpinx occur. Hydrosalpinx is when the tubes are filled with infected fluid and can be seen on sonography.
- Endometriosis: this is a condition in which the endometrial tissue passes through the tubes and goes out on the ovaries. Due to this the endometrial tissue builds tissue collects in the tubes leading to tubal block.
- Ectopic pregnancies: Sometimes the pregnancy is in the tube this is known as ectopic pregnancy. There are cased due to minor infection in the tubes. When an ectopic pregnancy is removed scars are left and they can cause tubal block.
- Fibroids: Huge fibroids generally supress the tube and cause tubal block.
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